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Sunday Worship

Join us for
In-Person or Join Online

Upcoming Events



Worship Services

Worship Service

9:30 AM

Online and In-Person

Sunday School

Pk-5th begin in Sanctuary

Youth dismiss during Change for Change to

Youth Room.


8 Who Ate Sign Up by 1/19/25

 This social gathering is a way to meet new friends and connect with long-time friends over a shared meal. The idea is a group of about 8 people will gather together for a potluck

dinner at a home or a meal out at a restaurant. 

If you are interested in joining a group, sign up on the sheet near the church office, call the church office, or use the link below by Jan 19. Please indicate if you are willing to host a group.

Contact Jamie Folkers with Questions: or 402-709-4809.


Pursuing God Bible Study Resumes Monday,

January 6

6:30 PM in the Parlor

We are continuing with week 4 of Genesis. All are welcome to join even if you did not attend the first sessions.

Both Genesis and the Gospel of John are written to spark your

desire into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. This is a

12-session Bible study (six sessions each for Genesis and John).




GATHER To Thrive In Community.

GROW To Be Like Jesus.

GO To Be Hope



We're so glad you've connected with our

Blair First United Methodist Church community and we hope this website will help give you an even better picture of the

opportunities we have for you

to worship, learn, grow, and serve.

Check our Event Calendar for current church activities  below.


Worship Times
and What to Expect

Worship Services: In-Person with Live Streaming at 9:30am. Sunday School at 9:30am.


Where to Park: There is street parking around the building and also two parking lots on the East (enter in alley traveling north on 17th St.; follow alley to East side of Church) and North side of the church (enter north of the Church off Grant St.; turn south).


What to Wear: Come as you are.


(Sunday School Classes are during the 9:30am Worship during the School Year Calendar:) All students begin in Worship and are dismissed after the Children's Message. Busy bags are available, Nursery for infants and toddlers is provided.) 




Tel. 402-426-2165

Office -

1656 Colfax St.

Blair, NE 68008

Rev. Dr. Doug Griger

Youth -

Children's Ministry -




Online Giving

We believe that generosity changes everything, and our willingness to off our time, talents, and resources is what can change our community around us. If you'd like to financially support the ministry of First UMC please click the

"Give Now' tab.



Prayer Requests may be made by calling or emailing the office.

Tel. 402-426-2165

Office -






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