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Ways to volunteer in the community and beyond

February is -Undy Sunday for the residents of Crowell Home.
We will be collecting new under garments and comfy clothes
for men and women, socks,
t-shirts and monetary gifts to benefit
the Residents of Crowell Home
Place Donations in the “Bloomers” Display

We are collecting the following for Joseph’s Coat:
We have an ongoing collection of travel size toiletries that we donate throughout the year.
Types of travel items needed: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, lotion, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc... You may drop off items in the basket located on the tall table just outside the church office. Thank you for your donations!!
All Church Recycling at the Washington County Recycling Center
All Church Volunteer to work on the following dates at the Washington County Recycling Center. Two shifts are available 8am - 10 am or 10am to Noon. Children are welcome if accompanied by their parents. Call the Church Office
(402-426-2165) or sign up near the
Church Office.
Date: To Be Announced.
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